Contact Persons: General Administration

Address for visitors in Magdeburg:
Studentenwerk Magdeburg
Institution under Public Law
J.-G.-Nathusius-Ring 5 (hall 7)
39106 Magdeburg
Address for visitors in Wernigerode:
Studentenwerk Magdeburg
Institution under Public Law
Friedrichstraße 57 – 59 (hall 3, side entrance)
38855 Wernigerode
CEOHellwig, Ute 0391-67-58361geschaeftsfuehrung@…
Assistant to the CEO / Public RelationsEhrenberg, Sophie 0391-67-51544sophie.ehrenberg@
Secretary /
Purchasing Non Food
Matznick, Astrid 0391-67-58361
IT AdministratorRappholz, Marko 0391-67-58362marko.rappholz@…
Real estate & operating costsn.n.   
Human ResourcesPartsch-Weber, Nicole 0391-67-51538personalstelle@…
Human ResourcesKöhler, Andrea 0391-67-51554personalstelle@…
Chief Accounting OfficerBreitenstein, Diana 0391-67-51541diana.breitenstein@…
Accounting clerkHorn, Susanne 0391-67-51548susanne.horn@
Accounting clerkSchulze, Jennifer 0391-67-51568jennifer.schulze@…
Internal AuditingMöhring, Manuela 0391-67-58355manuela.moehring@…

Links to the contact persons of our other departments:

Finances:Contact Persons
Accommodation:Contact Persons
Canteens & Cafeterias:Contact Persons
Social Affairs:Contact Persons
Culture:Contact Persons
Campus Child Care:Contact Persons