Image: Social ABCSocial Help and Social Benefits

Since the introduction of ALG II there is some confusion as to who can receive social benefits and social help according to the regulations.

Therefore, a simple and general explanation should basically provide clarity.

ALG II (regulated in the Social Security Code II)

Intended for all needy people capable of working, inasmuch as they are, like most students, not denied benefits. “Persons capable of working are those who are not disabled due to an illness or a handicap for the foreseeable future and can take up paid employment of at least three hours a day under the usual conditions of the general labour market.” (§ 8 of SGB II) All others remain capable of working also in case if currently they may not reasonably expect to get a job. Working capacity begins at the age of 15 and ends at the age of 65.

Social benefits (regulated in the Social Security Code II)

Intended for all needy people incapable of working who live in a shared household with a needy person capable of working. These include children under the age of 15 living with their parents in need of aid or someone who is sick for more than 6 months and lives with a needy partner. The same rule sets as in ALG II apply. Differences only occur in some other service conditions.

Social help (regulated in the Social Security Code XII)

Also intended for those unable to work. It can be claimed only if you do not live with a needy person capable of working. Furthermore, it takes precedence over the social welfare benefits for elderly and persons permanently unable to work, even if they live with a needy person capable of working.

The information has been carefully researched. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given. Therefore, we explicitly indicate that this information is by no means a consultation at the General Social Counselling office and/or free consultation at the Legal Counselling office.

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