Image: Social ABCInsurance

Statutory accident insurance

With enrolment at a university all students are subject to the compulsory statutory accident insurance. The insurance premiums are borne by the respective federal state. Accidents causally related to studying process, e.g. accidents during classes (including breaks), when using the library, on excursions, while performing self-administration activities, etc., as well as so-called commute-related accidents on the way to the university or on the way home are covered by the above insurance protection. These accidents should be immediately reported to the admissions office of the university!
Besides this statutory accident insurance, the Studentenwerk Magdeburg has concluded an additional leisure accidents insurance policy for students.

Statutory health and nursing care insurance

On enrolment/re-enrolment, each student must submit the confirmation from a health insurance company proving that either he/she has his/her own health and long-term care insurance, or he/she is coinsured with parents or the spouse without contributions (family insurance), or he/she is exempt from the health and nursing care insurance. Care insurance premiums are therefore collected with the statutory health insurance premiums. Of course, the detailed information on this topic can be acquired from the respective health insurance or substitute health insurance fund. You can get more information at

Personal liability insurance

The number of requests shows that there are currently many uncertainties among students regarding this insurance. It should be stressed here quite clearly that there is no insurance for third-party liability damages as part of the student union contributions and no plans for it. To be smart before the damage occurs, the students should urgently provide for the appropriate protection themselves. Please contact several insurance companies to get information on the subject and compare the solutions tailored to your special needs.

Statutory pension insurance

With the introduction of the Law On Growth and Employment Promotion, a compulsory pension insurance for students was introduced from October 1996. Since then, the boundaries valid in marginal employment are applied in relation to the pension insurance exemption. The so-called “working students regulation” is still used only in unemployment and health and nursing care insurance.

Please address General Social Counselling for further information on the matter of insurance.

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